"aND jesus SAID, 

FISHERS OF MEN'."    (I mau lawai'a kanaka)

Matthew 4:19

fishers of men (i mau lawai'a kanaka)

Here at Kapena Wright Ministries, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending than what you could see or imagine, if you will allow Him that opportunity to help you rewrite it. He simply says, if we will choose to "follow Him", His promise is that "He will make us" people who will gather others and draw them to Him as "Fishers of Men" [I Mau L Lawai'a Kanaka [ee-mau lah-wy-ah kah-nah-kah], helping them bring change into their lives as He has done, is doing, and has yet to do, in our own lives. Kapena Wright Ministries is here to help you to grow, then go forward and upward ("I'Mua" [ee-mu-ah) in your lives and walk for Jesus Christ.

let's move forward & upward ("I'Mua")

It is a goal of this ministry to encourage every person who comes into this website to the point where they leave feeling they've truly received from God, a word, a touch, a sense, a blessing, and most of all, His Love, in Jesus Christ, by His precious Spirit. A big part of all of our lives in coming to God through Jesus Christ is the knowledge that our Father doesn't just want to help us move forward in life, but as we are moving FORWARD, but as we draw closer to God we move UPWARD in Him and as we look back to our past, we can see ahead to our future. "E Holomua Kakou I IESU Kristo [eh holo-muah kah-ko ee ee-yay-su kris-to], E Holomua Kakou I Ke AKUA [kay Ah-ku-ah]." (Let's All Move Forward and Upward in JESUS Christ, Let's Move Forward and Upward in GOD, our FATHER."