HIGH NOON - Day 4 - MY Anointing Is MINE To Give

Jan 4, 2023    Pastor (Kahu) Skip Wright

It is a very humbling experience to be corrected by anyone because it means that we have been caught at doing, saying or acting out something that is wrong - NO MATTER what it is or how much we try to justify ourselves - we were wrong and we 'know it' - though, we may not want to admit it or repent of it, the correction is still "CORRECT".

This is especially true when it comes to matters of God, His Word, His Anointing, His Way(s) of doing things. There are so many things in life I don't know - we don't know - and yet, we go about thinking that we are absolutely "right" about it when in fact God speaks to that thought or belief and it's contrary to what we're standing in.

The simple truth is - GOD IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ALL THE TIME - AND HIS WAYS ARE NOT 'OUR' WAYS, BUT HIS - AND HIS WAYS OF DOING THINGS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST FOR US! Period - end of discussion - I would rather KNOW and TRUST and FOLLOW GOD's WORD AND HIS WAYS than anyone else! GODs ways lead to Life - anything else will lead to death (spiritual, emotional, physical).

(I Corinthians 13:11-13; John 8:1-11,15-16; I Samuel 27; I Samuel 30; Revelations 3:18-29)