A Word From the LORD / My Justice IS COMING

Jun 8, 2022

I was awakened two mornings in a row with promptings in my spirit from the Holy Spirit - at first glance, this all made no sense - BUT THEN - the Spirit of the LORD revealed to me that we are in a time -

A Time of Justice - Fire - Drought is UPON US - the Justice of the LORD of Hosts, YHWH, Is HIS Name - the time for the Judgement of the LORD is CLOSER THAN MANY THINK! Those "Drunk with Power", the "Unrighteous", the "Unjust", the "Sour Grapes of the LORDs Vineyard" - are being offered a way out of this Judgement! It IS, I BELIEVE, the '59th Minute' - the 'Eleventh Hour" - LAST STOP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE TO TURN AWAY FROM SIN!

(Isaiah 5:23-24; Isaiah 5:19; Isaiah 5:5-6,10)