The Weapons of Our Warfare - PRAISE, WORSHIP & PRAYER!
Mar 29, 2023 • Pastor (Kahu) Skip Wright
Aloha & Praise the LORD!
With so much happening all around us here in the United States and throughout the world, if there is one thing we can be assured of is that the enemy is hitting all of us as hard as he can and doing his best to do exactly what Jesus tells us that he is here to do in John 10:10 - as Jesus says, "the enemy comes only to kill, and to steal, and to destroy.'...
BUT the OVERWHELMINGLY AWESOME TRUTH IS that Jesus goes on to say, "..I AM COME THAT THEY (Gods creation; His Children; His Believers; His Followers) MIGHTY HAVE (and enjoy) LIFE, AND THEY MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY (to the full, till it overflows)."
Today, we Pray, we will Worship (FOCUS our attention on God - FULLY), and Praise God in Jesus Christ!