The Witnesses in Heaven & in Earth - The FATHER, SON, & HOLY SPIRIT
Apr 30, 2023 • Pastor (Kahu) Skip Wright
Aloha & Praise the LORD!
Today's message is the first of a very special series of messages which I will be sharing as the Holy Spirit leads me, that pertain to the Witnesses of Heaven and here on earth.
It's one thing when we receive Christ Jesus into our hearts and lives - but now, it is time, time to delve deeper into understanding of Gods Word (Jesus) that we have received and see how He is not the only part of God that we received by faith - if indeed we are saved.
So, "Buckle Up, Buttercup" - it's going to be a challenging trek into the depths of Gods Love for us by HIS WORD - lead by HIS SPIRIT - coming to a better understanding of HIMSELF!
(I John 5:7-8; John 1:1,14)