Redemption of Man = Redemption of Creation
Aloha & Praise the LORD!
Many times we, as people (man), often forget that we are not the ONLY creatures affected by the Adam's sin and the curse that fell on he and Eve in the garden - ALL of Creation, which had previously enjoyed every benefit of God's presence, His Spirit, His Joy and His Love while in that same garden - and - none had experienced or even 'known of' death until Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Imagine - EVERY creature - ALL of creation - ONLY KNEW GOOD - until sin came into the picture! So, now, we need to remember that though God offers man the path back to Himself through His Word, Jesus - in other words - Man's Redemption to God - ALL of Creation Also Awaits Eagerly that same Redemption from the curse of death and sin that fell on them! FOOD FOR THOUGHT, eh?!
scripture refs: (remember - read through the ENTIRE chapter to get the "FULL" picture of the verse; then look up other supporting scriptures - STUDY - SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED, A WORKMAN TO GOD)
(Romans 8:18-22; Hebrews 11:1-2; Psalm 24:1)