The Seed Planted (Pt 1) / Introduction
Sept. 11th - evokes a host of memories for all us - for many, it's the memory of the events that took place in 2001, with the destruction of the Twin Towers (and Tower #7); Flt. 93 brought down by a courageous group of passengers in a field in Pennsylvania; and for others - it was the attack on the Pentagon.
But still, for others, 9/11 means all the above and more: for Diane and I - the day celebrates our wedding; and for Messianic community - according to the Hebrew writings - it's most likely the actual (or as closest to it as men can come up) the birth date of JESUS (YESHUA), our Messiah!
But no matter what your memory - for each of us - the memory goes beyond the tragedy or celebration - and delves into a day which changed our lives - the day we MADE A CHOICE FOR GOD AND FOR HIS JUSTICE! In 2001, it was the day that the devil came out of his "hit a mole - hole" and showed himself for who he is and began to reveal who is "minions" were here at home in the U.S. as well as throughout the world. But, despite him showing himself - GODS SEED SHOWED HIMSELF FOR WHO HE TRULY IS - THE WORD OF GOD WHO IS VICTORIOUS IN ALL THINGS - ALWAYS!
The choice is - as it was then - and has always been: WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THE SEED PLANTED IN YOU?
(Matthew 12:30-32; Matthew 13:1-9, 16-23; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1,14; I John 5:8)