A Word From the LORD - MY WORD Is Being FULFILLED
Aloha & Praise God!
I was headed to bed when the Spirit of the LORD quickened my heart to share this word from Him - a reminder for all of us - an admonition for far too many who are and have been complacent regarding Gods' Word and His promises - and - for equally as far too many, it's a warning for those walking in disobedience that God IS True to HIS WORD and EVERY WORD HE speaks SHALL COME TRUE - and - SOON!
This is NOT a threat from God, but, a word to encourage and build up the True Body of Believers in Jesus Christ - though sadly - many will take this as a 'threat' and still others will simply do as they have been doing all along - simply choosing to 'mock' what the LORD has been and continues to speak through His written Word as well as through His spoken words through the prophets - past and present - Old Testament and Current!
(scripture refs: Colossians 3:6; John 14:1, 10; Romans 4:20-21, 23; Joel 2:1-2)