A Word from The LORD - Blessed IS

Dec 13, 2023    'Kahu' Skip Wright, Pastor (Kahu) Skip Wright

To truly KNOW the LORD; you need to KNOW HE Loves You and has Given You and I the best gift ever when He gave us His Son, Jesus - Emmanu'el (Immanuel)! That one gift from Him shows us The WAY to the Fathers' heart and our redemption; speaks ONLY The TRUTH of the Father; and offers us LIFE eternal through redemption in Him, with Him, and by Him. The best gift for ALL Mankind; the best gift for ALL Time! Amen & Shalom!

(Scripture References: John 3:16, 33-36; John 14:6; Psalm 1:1; Psalm 103)

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Until the next time (a hui hou): Gods Richest Blessings to You & MELE KALIKIMAKA (MERRY CHRISTMAS)!