HIGH NOON - Day 6 - And It CAME TO PASS - Let MY People Go
Here's a thought that will boost your faith - or at least it should - after every word spoken by God through His prophets - you see this phrase, "..And IT CAME TO PASS.."
God has been and is still speaking through His prophets and His faithful children who walk in faith and serve Him - and the awesome news - His Word and His Promises ARE STILL COMING TO PASS - ESPECIALLY NOW!
Be Strong, Be Courageous - the LORD Is Moving! Prayers for the J6 prisoners - GOD IS MOVING ON YOUR BEHALF and ON BEHALF OF ALL THE NATION and HIS FAITHFUL AROUND THE GLOBE! Amen..
(II Kings 6:24-33; II Kings 7:1-9, 18-20; Philippians 2:12-13; John :27-29; II Peter 1:8-10; Matthew 6:9-14)
*(Prayer Scriptures: Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; Psalm 91; Psalm 150:6; Ezekiel 45:8-10)*